
Lara Davidson


Hull Safeguarding Children Partnership

Job title

Hull Safeguarding Children Partnership Manager


Hull Collaborative Partnership
Hull Safeguarding Children Partnership

About me

I have been in post as the Hull Safeguarding Children Partnership Manager for the last two years, working collaboratively alongside agencies who have a role in safeguarding children and young people. Since qualifying as a social worker in 1999, I have had the opportunity to work in various settings with children and young people during the last 24 years. This has included working with children in residential care, practicing as a frontline child protection social worker and leading safeguarding child protection teams (including front door services, emergency responses to children out of hours and child safeguarding locality teams). I am passionate about continually working alongside partner agencies to improve safeguarding services provided to children, young people and families, with their needs always firmly being at the centre of all actions and decisions made.