Partnership key areas of focus
Domestic abuse
Domestic abuse is priority both nationally and locally. It affects individuals and families in all communities. It is also ‘Cross-cutting' issue in that it links with number of different areas of work -
- community safety / crime and disorder
- health (primary and secondary care, public health, Clinical Commission Group, mental health)
- drug and alcohol misuse
- children and young people
- social care and well-being
- housing and homelessness
- in the workplace
- equality and diversity
this means that it is accepted that no single organisation is able to manage the complexities of domestic abuse and that real 'joined up' responses are essential.
Our aims
We aim to develop needs led Domestic Abuse Strategy and provide oversight and resources to implement the strategy and its agreed delivery plan by working in partnership. We will coordinate the implementation of the plan across our partners to achieve our aims including -
- enabling families to access support services in timely manner
- improve outcomes for families that is trauma informed
- identifying and addressing gaps in support within safe accommodation services
- ensure the city meets the duty placed upon the city council to provide safe accommodation for victims of domestic abuse
We meet at least every 2 months. We also arrange meetings for urgent or emergencies and to form task and finish groups. We report to Safer Hull - Community Safety Partnership who determine reporting requirements. Issues that relate to -
- consultation
- the housing needs assessment strategy
- the delivery plan
- implementation of the plan
are escalated to Safer Hull.
The Hull Collaborative Partnership contributes, shapes and influences the work of this board. This ensures the integrity of links to respective partnerships and boards is maintained. The Board also supports Hull City Council in reporting back to Department for Levelling Up and Housing and Communities (DLUHC). They ensure this is completed in line with statutory guidance and the standardised reporting form. The Board is made up of professionals from responsible bodies and agencies that by law must be represented. The member ensure they work with their recent victims to ensure their views inform the provision of response -
Local authority members
- Citysafe
- Community Safety & Partnerships Service
- Access & Well-being (Housing Service)
- Adult Social Care
- Education Safeguarding
- Domestic Abuse Partnership
- Children’ Social Care
- Early Help and Prevention
Health members
- NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB), Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership
- Hull University Teaching Hospitals Trust
- City Healthcare Partnership CIC
- Humber Mental Health Trust
- City Health Care Partnership
Criminal justice members
- Humberside Police
- National Probation Service
Voluntary and community sector members
- Hull Women’s Aid