Phil Booker
Humberside Police
Job title
Detective Superintendent
Hull Collaborative Partnership
Hull Safeguarding Children Partnership
Hull Safeguarding Adults Partnership
About me
I am a Detective Superintendent in the Protecting Vulnerable People (PVP) unit covering the four local authority areas. I have 22 years’ service within Humberside Police with experience as a Detective Sergeant managing CSE investigations and as a Detective Inspector managing County Lines and CCE investigations.
I have recently set up the Vulnerability Hub for Humberside Police and introduced PITstop (Partnership Integrated Triage) and the Vulnerability Tracker. All three areas recently received Outstanding and Innovative practice from the HMICFRS (His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services). Due to this there is huge interest from other Police forces and local authorities around the UK who have aspirations to implement PiTstop. This has resulted in me delivering inputs at the NPCC (National Police Chief’s Council) MASH and Early Intervention National Working groups and delivering inputs on behalf of the CoP (College Of Policing) for the National PPSLP (Public Protection & Safeguarding Leadership Program) courses. The VKPP (Vulnerability Knowledge Practice Programme) have also taken a keen interest in the our process as best practice.