
Becoming Culturally Competent Training - Training courses

Course Title Becoming Culturally Competent Training
Course length 1 day
Target group

All staff who work with and support children, young people and their families or carers.

Learning pathway

Before attending this course participants must have attended Safeguarding Children – A Shared Responsibility.

Course details

Cultural competence is respectful of and responsive to the beliefs, practices and cultural and linguistic needs of diverse communities. There are five essential elements that contribute to an individual professional’s, and a whole service’s, ability to become more culturally competent. The professional or service must -

  • value diversity
  • have the capacity for cultural self-assessment
  • be conscious of the ‘dynamics’ interest when cultures interact
  • have institutionalised cultural knowledge
  • develop adaptations to service delivery reflecting an understanding of diversity between and within cultures
Course objectives
  • To enable learners to deepen their awareness of their own assumptions, values and prejudices
  • To enable participants to develop confidence in expressing and exploring their lack of awareness of cultural issues

To be arranged on demand


9.30am to 4.30pm
Delegates will not be admitted after 9.30am

Facilitator Members of Hull Safeguarding Children Partnership Trainer’s Forum.
Charge Hull Safeguarding Children Partnership reserve the right to charge for Non Attendance or Private Purchase up to £50.00
How to apply

Hull City Council Staff

Log on to OLM (Oracle Learning Management System) to enrol.

External to Hull City Council

Complete the online application form.

Or download the application form and email to or return to

Learning and Development
Brunswick House
Strand Close
Beverley Road