
Domestic Abuse

The Hull Safeguarding Children Partnership (HSCP) work closely with Safer Hull (Domestic Abuse Strategic Group) to ensure that effective support and protection is provided to children, young people, and their families who experience domestic abuse. HSCP will also work with partners to support ongoing early intervention and preventative work to raise awareness of domestic abuse.

HSCP through a subgroup model made up of partners develops policy, procedures and practice guidance for any person working with children, young people, and their families. A co-chairing arrangement is in place for the `Children and Young People Living with Domestic Abuse’ subgroup. This is an active multi-agency group coordinating activity to support agencies who work with children and young people who experience domestic abuse. Membership includes Domestic Abuse Partnership (DAP), and the specialist domestic abuse commissioned providers including -

  • Women’s Aid
  • Purple House
  • Time to Listen

Along with many other agencies who provide support for children and young people impacted by domestic abuse.
