
Multi-agency safeguarding arrangements

The Hull Safeguarding Children Partnership (HSCP) will work with all agencies to ensure that there are effective safeguarding arrangements across the system which offer effective intervention and support for children, young people, and their families.

There is a particular focus on strengthening child protection work across the partnership, this includes developing child protection principles and revising the threshold document.

HSCP operates through a subgroup model made up of partners who develop policy, procedures and practice guidance for any person working with children, young people, and their families. The multi-agency safeguarding arrangements subgroup was established in 2023 and is responsible for ensuring that each organisations approach child safeguarding is effective, and partners are held accountable. The subgroup meets regularly to drive forward the work and business of the multi-agency partnership. Membership includes -

  • police
  • children’s social care
  • health partners
  • early help
  • educational settings
  • housing
  • drug and alcohol services
  • domestic abuse partnership (DAP)

Along with many other agencies who play a role in safeguarding children and young people.

