
Child death reviews


National Child Mortality Database

The National Child Mortality Database programme offer resources for CDOPs and other CDR professionals, such as -

  • guidance on completing an effective child death Notification Form
  • CDR form completion resources, including a flowchart of who should receive reporting forms
  • guidance to support effective CDR meetings
  • links to statutory guidance, forms and other information
  • information to support bereaved families
  • information about COVID-19
  • guidance on Joint Agency Responses (JAR)
  • advance notice and joining instructions for monthly NCMD Webinars
  • themed learning reports

Local bereavement support


Cruse in Hull and East Riding

  • 1:1 telephone and virtual support for adults and children (face to face returning in some circumstances), leaflets in different languages, support advice on website
  • telephone - 01482 966 000
  •  national helpline - 0808 808 1677
  • email -

Dawn Bereavement Support

Dawn Bereavement Support is part of the Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and is a local group who support people whose loved ones have died in the Hull University Hospitals NHS Trust.  The group meets the last Monday of the month (except bank holidays) at Castle Hill Hospital at 6pm – 8pm.  Dawn is run by a voluntary team of very experienced bereavement facilitators who are warm and friendly people, all of whom work within the health service.

Dove House Hospice

Dove House Hospice offers group support to children and young people -

Fitmums & Friends

The Forest Project, for 10 to 17 years – support using outdoor forest activities alongside age-appropriate reading and writing activities. You can find out more on -

Together in Grief - helps people cope with the loss of loved ones. It offers supportive walking and yoga sessions with others who share the experience of bereavement.

LiLY (LiVES LOST YOUNG) Walks – bereavement walks for people who has been affected by the death of a child or young person.

Hull and East Yorkshire Mind

Hull and East Yorkshire Mind have a helpline for 24/7 information and advice or support to children, young people, parents/carers and professionals -

‘Together - Bereaved By Suicide Service’ delivered by Hull and East Yorkshire Mind is a dedicated bereavement service to support local people who have been bereaved by suicide across Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire, North East Lincolnshire and North Lincolnshire.   The service offers free emotional and practical support to individuals who have lost someone to suicide.  They offer a range of support such as talking with an experienced bereavement worker, as well as support creating memory boxes, funeral planning, attending inquests as well as help with financial matters. The support will be tailored to meet the needs of each individual at this difficult time in their lives.

Hull Sands Group

The Hull and East Yorkshire Branch of the national Sands charity provides support to anyone affected by the loss of a baby with monthly support meetings and a befriender service.

Let’s Talk

Let’s Talk for families in Hull. Offering support for common mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety disorders, stress and bereavement. This is primarily a talking therapy service with the additional offer of psycho-educational sessions.

Martin House hospice

Martin House hospice offers a community bereavement service for families who have not previously accessed Martin House previously – across West, North and East Yorkshire and the Humber

Together - Bereaved By Suicide Service

Together - Bereaved By Suicide Service delivered by Hull and East Yorkshire Mind is a dedicated bereavement service to support local people who have been bereaved by suicide across Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire, North East Lincolnshire and North Lincolnshire.   The service offers free emotional and practical support to individuals who have lost someone to suicide.

They offer a range of support such as talking with an experienced bereavement worker, as well as support creating memory boxes, funeral planning, attending inquests as well as help with financial matters. The support will be tailored to meet the needs of each individual at this difficult time in their lives.

National bereavement support

Aching Arms

Aching Arms is a baby loss charity run by a group of bereaved mothers who have experienced the pain and emptiness of leaving hospital without their baby. bring some comfort to bereaved parents and their families after the loss of a baby. They provide Aching Arms bears to hospitals for midwives and post dedicated bears to bereaved families directly.

Antenatal Results and Choices

Antenatal Results and Choices offer non-directive information and support to parents before, during and after antenatal screening and when they are coping with complex and painful issues after making a decision, including bereavement.

Bereavement Advice Centre

Bereavement Advice Centre is committed to working in partnership with other organisations and individuals who work with bereaved people in all sectors, statutory, commercial and voluntary.


Bliss offer emotional and practical support to empower families and equip them with the knowledge and skills they need to provide the best possible care to their baby, for however long they live and for however long their stay in neonatal care.

Child Bereavement UK

Child Bereavement UK supports families when a baby or child of any age dies – One to One, listening, drop in, phone helpline, Website articles and information, monthly support sessions.  Helpline support, information and guidance to individuals, families and professionals throughout the UK, including in other languages -

Child Death Helpline

Child Death Helpline is a helpline for anyone affected by the death of a child or young person -

  • telephone - 0800 282 986

Lullaby Trust

Lullaby Trust raises awareness of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and offers emotional support for bereaved families -


MacMillan bereavement resource for health and social care professionals


Get help with grief after bereavement or loss through the NHS.


Samaritans offer support for anyone suffering with distress -

  • telephone - 116 1123


Sands supports anyone who has been affected by the death of a baby before, during or shortly after birth.  Free national helpline, a bereavement support app for parents, families, carers and health professionals, support groups with trained befrienders, online forum enabling bereaved families to connect with each other and a wide range of bereavement support resources available -

Saying Goodbye

Saying Goodbye charity looks to provide support and services to anyone who has suffered the loss of a baby, at any stage of pregnancy, at birth or in infancy, whether the loss be recent or historic -

The Compassionate Friends

The Compassionate Friends support bereaved parents and their families -


SUDC UK provide information and support for those dealing with sudden unexplained death in childhood.

Also the process of tissue sample collection and advice to parents on making decisions are explained in this video.

Together for Short lives

Together for Short lives provide a booklet “Caring for a child at end of life” 

Winston's Wish

Winston's Wish is a childhood bereavement charity providing services to bereaved children, young people and their families -