
Protect Duty

Protect Duty (Martyn's Law) support

The Current UK Threat Level is - SUBSTANSTIAL

More details on threat levels, can be found on the MI5 website.

The Protect Duty under the Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill, also known as Martyn's Law, imposes requirements for certain premises and events to increase their preparedness for, and protection from, a terrorist attack by taking proportionate steps, depending on the size and nature of the activities they undertake/provide.

Those that are subject to Protect Duties under the Bill will be identified based on if they carry out one or more qualifying activity and meet certain capacity levels. The capacity levels will identify what tier a site / event organiser will be identified as, and this will indicate what steps they need to take to be compliant with the Bill (these are subject to change as the Draft Bill progresses through the ratification process) -

  • Standard Tier (200 to 799 capacity)
  • Enhanced Tier (800+ capacity)

For details on the qualifying activities and tier requirements please access the relevant links covered in the Protect Duty advice and guidance section further down the page.

This webpage outlines support for those required to comply with Protect Duty, with links to advice and guidance, templates to support preparedness activities, and copies of our latest newsletter. This webpage will also identify any local events and training being held to support and develop awareness with regards to the Protect Duty.

Within Hull we have set up a multi-agency community to work on the requirements of the Protect Duty to support those impacted by it. As part of this structure, we have in place a group to focus on the engagement of businesses and community groups. This group works on the newsletter, supports product development, and the organisation and delivery of support events, training, and exercises.