Line-of-Sight Local Learning Reviews
Our arrangements for local learning about multi-agency practice have been strengthened through `Line of Sight’ meetings which are now a regular feature of assurance activity. Practitioners and managers from across the partnership come together to learn about practice where there have been missed opportunities or poor outcomes for children. This process is proving to be agile and responsive and is directly involving practitioners in the learning process.
The overall purpose of a Local Child Safeguarding Learning Review is to learn lessons about how we provide services and work together so that continual improvements can be made to safeguarding practice and the way we work with children, their families, and improve outcomes for them.
The purpose of the Line-of-Sight process is to -
- identify specific safeguarding themes, through single agency auditing and partnership analysis, of areas where practice could have been improved and what worked well
- agree key learning themes, identify required activity, and implement actions to improve future practice
The Line-of-Sight event provides essential interface between practitioners, supervisors, and senior managers across Hull Safeguarding Children Partnership (HSCP) partner organisations to ensure interagency working, process and procedures are effective in safeguarding children.
This is achieved by drawing together all relevant information about individual agency involvements with a child and family; looking at how the events and relationships (both within the family and within the professional network) can be understood. This contributes to identifying lessons that can be learnt to inform and improve how the safeguarding system works in Hull and help us improve professional practice in the future.
Key learning, which has been identified through individual agency pre-analysis and impact chronologies, is presented at the Line-of-Sight meeting. Reflective discussions then take place to agree specific learning needs and actions. These are disseminated in the form of a 7 minute guide and briefings to share widely across the partnership and actions identified are then tracked through the Learning from Individual Cases Group to consider impact and effective implementation.