Private Fostering
A private fostering arrangement is one that is made privately by the parent or person with parental responsibility.
The conditions to private fostering are as follows -
- The child is under 16
- Disabled child is under 18
- A child is not accommodated by a parent or person who has parental responsibility
- The child is not living with a relative who has taken care of the child
- The child must not be looked after by Local Authority
- The child must not be looked after on behalf of a volunteer organisation
- A child that has been living with the concerned person for 28 days
- Children where arrangements are made due to parental illness or distress or when parents’ work or study involves long or antisocial hours
- Children sent from abroad to stay with another family
- Asylum seeking and refugee children
- Teenagers who stay with friends or other non-relatives because they have fallen out with their parents and who may not be in touch with agencies such as education services
- Children staying with families while attending a school away from their home area
- Children from overseas whose parents do not reside in this country
Another certain condition is a child that is living with or cared for by a close family member or a person with parental responsibility.
The Children’s Act 1989 defines a close family member as -
- Aunt
- Uncle
- Grandparent
- Brother
- Sister
- Stepparent
These can be full blood, half blood or through marriage.
Notify us of a private fostering arrangement
Any parent proposing to have their child looked after by someone other than a close relative for more than 28 days, or a carer who is proposing to look after someone else’s child, must notify Hull Children, Young People and Family Services (Early Help and Safeguarding Hub - 01482 448879) at least 6 weeks before the arrangement is due to begin.
Private Fostering Notification Form
Under the Private Fostering Arrangements (2005), any professional who comes into contact with children, is under a duty to inform the children’s service about any private fostering arrangements they are made aware of. To make a notification in relation to a private fostering arrangement in Hull, professionals should call 01482 448 879.
For more information see our one minute private fostering guide.
More information can be found on the Hull City Council website
Government legislation and guidance
This guidance replaces Chapter One of Volume 8 (Private Fostering and Miscellaneous) of the Children Act 1989 guidance, which was first published in 1991, and incorporates guidance on the new measures in the Children Act 2004, and in the Children (Private Arrangements for Fostering) Regulations 2005.
The Children (Private Arrangements for Fostering) Regulations 2005
Replacement Children Act 1989 Guidance on Private Fostering
This document has the National Minimum Standards for Private Fostering which came into force on 18 July 2005, and the Children (Private Arrangements for Fostering) Regulations 2005.
National minimum standards on private fostering