Partnership key areas of focus
The Hull Collaborative Combined Learning Group
When a person dies or an incident occurs that meets the criteria to be classed as serious, a review must take place. The criteria for a serious incident is set out under these Acts -
- Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004
- Care Act 2014
- Children’s Act 2004
Though each type of review has their own individual process and legal framework to work towards they all have learning as a key outcome. Whilst the reviews have highlighted key areas of learning and the need to make improvements in processes, there is not a consistent way to share. Research into several reviews showed they were completed on time. It also showed they were thorough in their recommendations but the results were only shared with the panel members of the business area. It wasn't clear how the recommendations were implemented across all partners nor was it clear if this made a difference to service users.
Our members are representatives from organisations and agencies, we meet at least every 2 months. We also arrange meetings for urgent/emergencies and to form task and finish groups. We report to the Hull Collaborative Partnership. Our aims are to -
- identify learning from reviews that can be disseminated across the system
- standardise the format in which lessons learned are delivered
- bring together joint learning events
- oversee the development of a single repository for learning
- audit the way learning has been embedded within agencies
Our Members
- Local Authority
- Domestic Abuse Partnership
- Children’s Social Care
- Adult Social Care
- Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board
- Hull Safeguarding Children Partnership
- Public Health
- Supported Accommodation Review Team
- Health
- Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust
- Hull University Teaching Hospital
- City Health Care Partnership
- NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB), Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership
- Criminal Justice
- Humberside Police
- National Probation Service
- Voluntary and Community Sector
- ReNew