
Partnership key areas of focus

The Hull Collaborative Exploitation Group

Hull is the city where Wilberforce gave birth to the abolition of slavery. Today exploitation takes many guises and is forever changing requiring a flexible definition. We collaborate to end new forms of exploitation that impact on the lives of many of our vulnerable residents. Our members are representatives from organisations and agencies, we meet at least every 2 months. We also arrange meetings for urgent/emergencies and to form task and finish groups. We report to the Hull Collaborative Partnership.

Our Aims

Our primary objectives are to provide an effective multi-agency response to all forms of exploitation by -

  • identifying the scope of the problem
  • determining an outcome/impact focused action plan to tackle the issues
  • implementing a prioritised response focusing on all aspects

Our Plan

Prepare –

  • To ensure effective systems are in place to enable partnership working to tackle and reduce exploitation
  • To identify, support, and assess exploitation at the earliest opportunity
  • To deliver preventative interventions, education, awareness raising, workforce training and support

Prevent incidents by

  • supporting those who display harmful behaviours
  • stopping people becoming perpetrators through intelligence and data sharing by multi-agency groups i.e., OMG/ MACE/ NRM
  • raising wider public awareness to encourage reporting
  • effective multi-agency risk assessments


Strengthen protection for victims and potential victims of exploitation by delivering -

  • training
  • awareness raising sessions
  • safety planning
  • vulnerable people to be safeguarded, protected, and supported


To stop incidents of exploitation through the disruption of perpetrators by -

  • prosecutions
  • intelligence and data sharing
  • targeted activity in identified locations
  • disruption activities

Our Members

Local Authority

  • Children’s Social Care
  • Adult Social Care
  • Early Help and Prevention
  • Community Safety
  • Vulnerable, Exploited, Missing and Trafficked Team
  • Neighbourhoods and Housing


  • Hull University Teaching Hospitals Trust
  • NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB), Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership
  • NHS Hull CCG

Criminal Justice

  • Humberside Police
  • National Probation Service
Hull collaborative partnership logo

About the partnership

About the partnership including who the members are.

About the partnership